Wednesday, December 25, 2013


It's X-mas. yay. Whatever. Where is my holiday spirit?

Yep, it's X-mas. joy. My ass is sitting at work. Waiting for another over privileged, self-entitled fucktard to call and scream at me for something that is totally out of my control.  Oh you did't pay your bill for the last 60 days and you have ran up your bill an additional $700 by ordering 'Adult Content', when you woke up this morning your services are disconnected?  Oops. My bad. Yep that is all my fault.  Oh,  you don't wanna pay the past due to have your services restored because it's Christmas and you have no money left.  Maybe you should of though twice about getting junior in the background that new PS4 I hear him screaming about. Also you think that I am a Heathen, and a horrible person, I MUST not be a Christian, because I am working on CHRISTmas.

Well then! Thank you for helping further prove my point about today being over commercialized bull shit!  I was not always this jaded and bitter about the holidays. I'm pretty sure I used to like Christmas. A long time ago. Probably way back when i was still a kid and living with Mommy & Daddy. 

I just love when people play the 'one-up' game, "Yeah, I got blah-blah, this, it cost me $$$$, and they got me this that cost $$$. but blah-blah $$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$, oh hey, Jezebelle, how was your Christmas, how much did you get?"  "Well, bless your heart, that is so sweet of you to ask."  Yep, I am a proper Southern Lady when  it suits me. The thing is I just leave my answer at that and find an excuse to walk away. 

Just because I detest this time of year, and I really could care less how much their gifts cost, how many presents they got, I am not going to step up on my soap box and educate them on the folly of their ways. I know that there are people that LIVE for and LOVE this time of year with every FIBER of their being (Eric is one of those people he really loves the holidays) I am not here to force my bitterness onto them. Those close to me know how I feel, and I just smile and grit my teeth, and get thru it, with quiet reserve, and hold my tongue.  Except when it comes to the bell ringers........FUCK THEM!

 Merry, Happy, Blessed whatever today is to you!!!!

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